Expired Terms: Valid until 23 December 2024

This Global Trade and Export Compliance Alert is being sent to you because of your commercial relationship with the Navico Group, a division of the Brunswick’s Advance Systems Group, Hereinafter, “NAVICO”. Please forward this Alert to all persons at your company whose function involve trade and exports of NAVICO products.


NAVICO is globally committed to conducting business with integrity, high ethical standards, and in compliance with applicable export and import laws and regulations. NAVICO’s ability to export its products, services, technology and technical data around the globe is a privilege that must be carefully safeguarded. In this regard, we expect the same commitment to compliance from our business partners. As a business partner of NAVICO, please be advised of your critical responsibilities regarding your export related transactions with NAVICO.


As a Navico business partner, you must report any and all claims, either actual or alleged, related to actual or potential breaches of any and all applicable trade compliance regulations either affecting you or your customers directly or indirectly.


As Navico’s Business Partner, you must commit to:


1.     Comply with U.S., E.U., U.K., U.N. and other local export control and sanction laws and regulations that may apply. Many transactions which take place outside of the United States fall under U.S. jurisdiction due to the extraterritoriality application of U.S. export control and sanction laws and regulations. (Additional details on U.S. export controls and sanctions can be found on the following websites: and Please make sure you are aware of your obligations under E.U. Export Control regulations (including Regulation 2021/821) and E.U. member states applicable laws.


2.     Be informed of NAVICO’s Business Partner Code of Conduct especially as related to export compliance. The Business Partner Code of Conduct is available online at


3.     Report to NAVICO’s Export Compliance Dept any suspected or actual violation of any U.S., E.U., U.N. or other local export control and sanction law or regulation (as may be applicable) that involves items, software, technical data, technologies, or employees of NAVICO, to the extent such reporting is legally permitted in your country. NAVICO also encourages you to report suspected or actual violations of such regulations and Navico’s Business Partner Code of Conduct. Please restrict communication through the following channels to reporting activity only.



There are two ways to report a violation:


1.     NAVICO’s Helpline or Online reporting system, which allow you to report matters anonymously and confidentially.


2.     By direct email to NAVICO’s Export Compliance Dept ([email protected])


Failure to comply with any export control and sanction law or regulation or to support NAVICO in its export compliance efforts may result in NAVICO taking appropriate action, including terminating our business relationship.


Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or concerns about the above.